Friday, June 10, 2016When it comes to considering life insurance as an investment, you’ve probably heard the adage, “Buy term and invest the difference.” This advice is based on the idea that term life insurance is the best choice for most individuals because it is the least expensive type of life insurance and leaves money free for other investments. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 3, 2016It's a decision many baby boomers are grappling with: Should I buy long-term-care insurance? The decision has never been more difficult. According to researchers at Georgetown University and Pennsylvania State University, about 70% of individuals 65 and older will need long-term care—whether at home or in an assisted-living facility or nursing home. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 27, 2016Many people (41%) spent 15 minutes or less researching their health insurance plan options during the 2013 open enrollment period, according to a survey. That's far less time than they take on other major purchases. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 20, 2016As you age, your insurance needs change. While in your younger years you worry about protecting your property and income, protecting your assets becomes a higher priority later in life. "Changes in your life can mean big changes in your insurance needs. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 13, 2016Health care costs are a big concern for people going into retirement, but the costs of long-term care can still be a shock. Here are a few facts: • 70% of people over 65 will need some form of long-term care at some point. • For married couples, the chance that one spouse will need long-term care rises to 91%. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 6, 2016If you've co-signed big student loans for your child, you may want to buy a life insurance policy while you're at it. While no one wants to imagine the death of their child, taking out insurance on your son or daughter -- or asking them to purchase their own plan -- will protect you from being hit with mountains of debt should tragedy strike. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 29, 2016Financial needs change with change in one's life stage. Whether it's your marriage, children's education or retirement years, you need money to get through the various stages of life comfortably. Life insurance helps you meet these requirements and prepares you for unforeseen expenses. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 22, 2016Life insurance is supposed to provide peace of mind. But for many, the approval process gives them nothing but nightmares. The cost of life insurance varies depending on an applicant’s health history. According to a recent survey, smokers, on average, pay more than three times for the same policy than non-smokers. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 15, 2016When it comes to life insurance, most buyers simply pick a number for the desired death benefit and go through the motions of the application process. There isn’t much thought as to the amount or type of insurance best fits the bill. Term insurance is the most popular type of life insurance bought in the US today. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 8, 2016Having insurance is a lot like carrying an umbrella with you at all times: Most of the time it feels burdensome, but boy, are you glad to have it when the rain comes. The right insurance policies are key to a healthy financial life. Below, we've explained briefly which those are, plus when you should purchase them. READ MORE >>
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